Available for spill containment and clean-up for most any kind of spills including gas, oil, and sewerage. With our Emergency 24/7 response, we are here to help you the moment you realize you have a problem. We handle many spill containment and clean up calls in Boston, Massachusetts and throughout the New England area because we are quick to respond, well-trained, safety driven and reliable.
What types of spills do we handle?
- Hydraulic oil spills
- Gas spills
- Marine oil or gas spills
- Restaurant oil spills
- Sewerage back up and spills

We have all the necessary equipment prepped and ready for immediate response time if you need us.

Benefits of using us for your spill clean up and containment issue:
- Conveniently located at the 93/128 Intersection
- Quick response time
- All equipment on-hand and prepped
- We take safety seriously
- All employees are OSHA Certified with mandatory yearly recertification
- Sludge containers available
- We provide clean up as well with HOT water power wash and vacuum truck
- We can manage all aspects of the spill from start to finish – containment, clean-up, wash and demo work, if needed.
If you ever have to make the call for spill containment and clean up, put the power in your hands – immediate response is one call away.
*All work completed by Northcreek Corporation, an affiliated entity.